By Donald Jay Howton

The Birmingham Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, SAR welcomed University of Montevallo Professor of History Jim Day as their October guest speaker on Tuesday, October 17. The meeting was held at The Club.

Dr. Paul Petznick is president of the Birmingham chapter.

Professor Day spoke on “West Point During The American Revolution.”

West Point was a major defensive fortification on the Hudson River. “This plateau on the banks of the Hudson River was the most important strategic position in America during the Revolutionary War.”

Professor Day discussed the Battle of West Point, the 65-ton iron chain known as the Great Chain that spanned 600 yards across the Hudson River from West Point to Constitution Island; redoubts and gun batteries at varying elevations; and that General Washington headquartered himself at West Point for four months in 1779.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a Master of Arts in History from the University of Georgia and a Ph.D. in History from Auburn University.

Professor Day was named UM’s University Scholar for Academic Year 2014-2015.