Children’s of Alabama is thrilled to introduce you to Wanda, MD (Medical Dog), the newest member of our healthcare team. Wanda isn’t your typical healthcare professional; she’s a furry, four-legged employee with a heart full of compassion and a mission to bring comfort and smiles to our young patients. Raised and trained at Canine Assistants, Wanda is now an integral part of our hospital, working alongside her best pal, Noelle, a child life specialist, to provide much-needed emotional support to pediatric patients during their challenging hospital stays. Let’s take a closer look at Wanda’s journey and her heartwarming role at Children’s of Alabama. 

Wanda’s journey to becoming a medical dog started at Canine Assistants, a renowned organization that specializes in training service dogs to provide support in various capacities. Wanda’s training emphasized her innate qualities of love, empathy, and gentleness. Under the expert guidance of Canine Assistants, she learned how to be the sweetest companion to pediatric patients in a hospital setting, making her the perfect fit for her role at Children’s of Alabama. 

Children’s of Alabama extends its heartfelt gratitude to Nucor for their support in making Wanda’s presence at the hospital possible. Their generous contributions have allowed us to provide the invaluable service that Wanda and Noelle offer to our young patients. 

Wanda, MD, the medical dog, has become an essential part of the Children’s of Alabama healthcare team, and her presence has brought immeasurable comfort and happiness to our pediatric patients. Her story is a testament to the incredible healing power of the human-animal bond and the transformative role that dogs like Wanda can play in the lives of those in need. 

Join us in welcoming Wanda, MD, to Children’s of Alabama and celebrate the incredible love and compassion she brings to our hospital every day. Together with Noelle, she is making a significant difference in the lives of the children and families we serve, proving that sometimes, a warm and furry hug can be the best medicine of all.