We’re proud to announce that Capt. Michael Baygents has graduated from the FBI National Academy’s 287th session.  

The graduation ceremony took place at the National Academy in Quantico, Va. on Sept. 14. 

Capt. Baygents now joins Chief Brent Blankley as the only currently employed officer who has completed this elite program, which is open to officers from local- and state-level law enforcement agencies. 

With 24 years of service to the Tuscaloosa Police Department, Capt. Baygents has excelled in various roles, including patrol officer, supervisor, instructor at the Alabama Law Enforcement Academy, and a member of the Special Response Team. Currently, he heads our Criminal Investigations Division. 

The FBI National Academy program is a rare opportunity, with fewer than 1% of officers selected nationwide. It involves 10 weeks of advanced training in communication, leadership, and fitness. These officers typically return to their agencies to serve in executive-level positions. 

Capt. Baygents even conquered the demanding “Yellow Brick Road” obstacle course during his training.  

This accomplishment not only reflects his personal achievement, but also underscores our commitment to maintaining a well-qualified and highly trained workforce to serve Tuscaloosa. 


(Source: City of Tuscaloosa)